The research examines how changes in mortuary patterns were associated with transformations in political and social organization between AD 200 and 1600. By applying a diachronic approach, we study, how variation in tombs is reflected in public and ceremonial architecture; if there is continuity in the use of some type of tombs, and rituals associated with the dead. Tombs were places where ayllu -based social organization materialized.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Excavations and team 2005 photos
Archaeologist in Marcajirca 2005
Carlos, Ivan, Michele, Fabio, bebel, Kasha, Sonia, Felipe, Gelbert y Michel front at camp
Felipe, Casha, Carlos, Ivan, Bebel, Gelberth, Fabio, Michele and Michel on summit of apu llamoq (4400 meters)